If you’re a Central Florida electrician, journeyman, residential or commercial contractor, DIY handyman or scrap copper-wiring enthusiast, are you tired of wasting your time and money with your scrap wiring?
Everyone knows that copper wiring is a coveted prize in the scrap world, but it is often difficult and time consuming to strip the wires with traditional wire strippers or a knife. There’s got to be a better way! Well, there is. Enter Zoda Tools.
Zoda Tools has created the Ultimate Wire Stripper—an ultra safe, durable and easy-to-use (patent-pending) device that works like this: A wire is fed into the Ultimate Wire Stripper, which uses an utility knife to slice down the length of the wire as it is pulled through by the user, and...voila!
With stripped wires yielding as much as a 30% increase in profits on the recycled copper wiring, you definitely cannot afford to go without one or more of these.
Not only will the Zoda Tools Ultimate Wire Stripper put some green in your pockets, it also helps put some green back into the environment. Using the Ultimate Wire Stripper significantly reduces the copper wiring waste and provides recycled copper wiring that can be put to better use. Now serving Daytona Beach, DeLand and Orlando.
Call 386-315-2282 or visit ZodaTools.com
The Zoda Tools Ultimate Wire Stripper cuts down
the time it takes to strip copper wiring for scrap.